Hang Seng Bank  
Frequently Asked Questions
Faster Payment System (FPS)  - eDDA
Q: How long does it take to set up an eDDA?
Q: Will there be any charge for setting up eDDA? 
Q: Will I receive any notification once submitting the eDDA?
Q: What can be achieved through setting up a Direct Debit Authorisation in Business e-Banking?
Q: Can the Direct Debit Authorization list be enquired online?
Q: Can the Debtor Reference and/or Deduct From Account be amended?

Q: How long does it take to set up an eDDA?
A: It takes around 2 -7 working days to process the setup.

Will there be any charge for setting up eDDA?

A: It is free of charge for setting up eDDA through e-channels, while HKD $30 will be charged for hardcopy DDA form submission.
Q: Will I receive any notification once submitting the eDDA?
A: SMS will be sent to you when your eDDA record is submitted successfully.
Q: What can be achieved through setting up a Direct Debit Authorisation in Business e-Banking?
A: It grants the Bank the right to debit the account designated by Primary User to honor recurrent bills raised by a bill payee regularly.

Q: Can the Direct Debit Authorization list be enquired online?
A: Yes. If the beneficiary has accepted and set up your Direct Debit Authorization, the Primary User can enquire the Direct Debit Authorization list of the company through Business e-Banking Services, or contact our Customer Service Representatives on (852) 2198 8000 during office hours.

Q: Can the Debtor Reference and/or Deduct From Account be amended?
A: Yes, but only limited to debtor side.